U.S. Army Bombshell

U.S. Army Bombshell

Bombshell Army Medic, Alizae Dominique Luisa Diaz, loves long boarding , surfing, snorkeling, paddle boarding, and taking her dog for hikes. Because of her job as a medic on a U.S. Army vessel where she is the Emergency Care NCO for the crew, Ali gets to travel the world. Since travelling to the Philippines, her favorite food is Ocean Unagi Maki with three different types of fish; tuna, eel, and salmon. Even though she travels the world her favorite thing to do is paddle board with her dog out at Fort Monroe in Virginia. Some places she would love to travel to next are Italy and Greece.

Ali drives a 2020 Hyundai Sonata, but one days dreams of owning a brand new Jeep Rubicon. She usedto do pageants in 2016-2017, and ended up winning  Miss Yuma County  Outstanding Teen and Miss Yuma County. During her pageant stint she was noticed by different photographers who asked to take pictures for their portfolio and has loved being in front of the camera ever since. She joined the military after high school and took a break from modelling but after going to her first duty station, she started going home and doing photos again. She got into Tattoos and photographers started reaching out for their portfolios again. Since then she has started to post her pictures on Instagram and share her experiences. We love seeing what Alizae is up to next! Check her out @alizaaaae_.

“I want to shout out my parents they have been my biggest supporters since the start of my journey in pageants now to modeling. I want to say thank you to John McCormick for taking my pictures and being one of the best photographers to work with. You can find his work on Instagram @tacticalproduction. I also want to say thank you to Kevin Whitener for allowing me to use his shop for photos and supporting me as well. You can find his shop on Instagram @kevin_jims_rod_shop.”

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