Poppy's Patina Wipe on Clear Coat

Poppy's Patina Wipe on Clear Coat

We welcome Poppy's Patina as a build sponsor on Project Living Dead Girl AKA Dead Betty!

I was so excited to try this product that I took the fenders and did a side by side comparison. Using the pre-cleaner that was included with the kit (smelled so good) and the provided cleaning pad, I went to town on both fenders getting rid of all the extra rust, pealing paint and dirt that I could. 

Then using Poppy's Patina Wax and Grease remover to prep the panels. Wipe on with one rag and wipe off with another. I was surprised at how easy this was with the provided cleaner and the difference in the panels even at just this point was incredible.

Last step was mixing and applying the clear coat. I opted for the Satin finish which is accomplished by mixing the Gloss and the Matte finish with the Clear Catalyst at a ratio of 4 parts Gloss, 4 parts Matte, and 1 part Clear Catalyst. Then it is as easy as taking the provided applicator sponge, and wiping the product on quickly with a nice even coat.

I was impressed with the finish, I didn't want anything too shiny but I also wanted to see a difference which is why I chose the Satin finish. Once dried it brought back some of the original color and and a little shine to the left over paint and made the rust look slightly 'enhanced' all while providing a nice feel that will be easier to clean and protect the patina. 

All in all, I was very happy with the product and am excited to use it on the rest of the car. We will also be checking out their Frame coating product soon as well!

Be sure to check them out at poppyspatina.com.

Also check out the YouTube video we did, unboxing, prepping, and applying our Poppy's Patina Clear Coat. https://youtu.be/o_jlMMbDs1E

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